Can intermittent fasting double your risk of dying from heart problems?

Its reported that limiting the time you eat to just eight hours a day, and fasting for the other 16 hours, could lead to a higher risk of dying from heart and circulatory diseases.

Limiting the number of hours a day you eat has become a popular way to try to lose weight in recent years. It’s called time-restricted eating or intermittent fasting.

According to summary of press release, a window of less than eight hours is linked with a 96 per cent increase in the risk of dying with heart and circulatory diseases, while the press release says 91 per cent.

This study is also observational, meaning it cannot show cause and effect, only a link between two factors.

This research has not yet been ‘peer-reviewed’, meaning carefully checked by fellow researchers, or published in full.

“Eating a well-balanced diet is something we can all do to improve our heart and circulatory health. 

This means including lots of fruits and vegetables, pulses, nuts and seeds, fish and wholegrains, and making sure our overall diet is low in sugary, salty and fatty foods.”

“When it comes to reducing weight there is no one-size-fits all approach so it’s important to find what works best for you.